Reuse art, Trosa is the place

More paintings on CD

Åby gård Vagnhärad, väg 218/Åby farm, road 218 Vagnhärad, Sweden, the way into Vagnhärad from Trosa Nygårdsplatån Vagnhärad Sweden  I had a school friend living here when I was young(er) Vagnhärad kyrka/Vagnhärad church Some of my relatives are buried here. The CD poject has become a travel back in time memories. CD is a sign… Continue reading More paintings on CD

What ever

Walking in Lars Lerins landscape

I've just stepped right into an infinite landscape, that calls the origin of man. Forests, water, rocks, snow, ice, animals and even some human habitations. Opening Lars Lerins book Natural Learning involves a wide open gate to the nature we never ever do without, even if we sometimes get us there. To walk into his… Continue reading Walking in Lars Lerins landscape