Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa is the place

Trosa Ultra Backyard 2018

Förra året dök det upp massor av löpare längs Trosas ågator och nu är det dags igen. Den 28 april går starten i Trosa Ultra Backyard. Loppet pågår i mer ön ett dygn om det finns löpare som klarar mer än 24 varv. Last year a lot of runners showed up on the streets in… Continue reading Trosa Ultra Backyard 2018

Challenges, Photographs, Trosa is the place

Lap 26 and 5 runners still run! First runner Second and third Forth and fifth runner Lap 26 means they've been out running in 26 hours. How do one manage to do that? Amazing. Anna

Challenges, Photographs, Trosa is the place

They’re still running

TUB Trosa Ultra Backyard 2017 is still going This was a bit after 10 pm April 29 Can you see the whiteblue lights? That's the runners headlight. And here they come at you can read this in swedish What is a Backyard Ultra? This is a different type of ultramarathon, where neither time nor… Continue reading They’re still running