Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Colorful day for friendship 

Thank you all for cheering me up yesterday. Even the slightest little like or comment means something. You give me hope. When I see your activities I still can believe in the good sides of humans. My friends in real life have the same effect. You are heaven sent. Don't forget that.  When I first… Continue reading Colorful day for friendship 

Blogging, Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings

Meet & Greet at 900!

I'm not making this up. We are actually over 900 followers on this blog now. Yes, I follow my own blog. I want to be like you, if you follow my blog, I want to follow it too 🙂 But we are over 900 without myself as a follower. This number 900 and more, I… Continue reading Meet & Greet at 900!

Blogging, What ever

2015 in review

Hey all wp friends! This is all your doing. Thanks so much for building this blog together with me by your reads, likes, comments, reblogs, linkbacks and all other ways you make this blog active and hopefully also interesting. I'm only on wp and no other social media, so these stats figures are big numbers… Continue reading 2015 in review

Blogging, Time hunting, What ever

Do you count your followers?

If you do, how do you count them? Do you count the email followers and the blog followers or just the blog followers? If I count all followers, then we are now 800 who follow this blog. If I count the blog followers I need some more followers before the notifications says I reached 800.… Continue reading Do you count your followers?

Blogging, Nature miracles, Pastel paintings, What ever

Blue whale in a pink ocean

Leslie at swo8 | Music means something and Jim at Random writings on the bathroom wall Brought the whale tail up in comments to the post Sailboat and shark | Annas Art - FärgaregårdsAnna That led to me doing a quick pastel painting of a blue whale in a pink ocean. Thanks you all for ideas… Continue reading Blue whale in a pink ocean