Challenges, Digital paintings

What does Friday means to you?


Blogging, Challenges, Digital paintings, Music inspiration, What ever

Friday night – nostalgia from the 80’s

If you haven't noticed it yet. It's Friday! And in my head this old tune turned up. Yes I grew up as a teenager in the 80's and the show Fame was one of the few shows with music in Swedish television. Back in those days we only had two channels and no VHS… Continue reading Friday night – nostalgia from the 80’s

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

TGIF thoughts

Actually I don't know what to write today. But I give it a try anyway. I'm just so grateful for all I have, where I live and that everyone near me is alive. Today, as the world seems to look like, that is not something you can't take for granted. The minute we take freedom,… Continue reading TGIF thoughts

Photographs, Trosa is the place

Trosa 8:30 pm May 2016

Goodnight! Have to get up early tomorrow. The sky's gonna look almost the same at 5 am something tomorrow. We don't have many dark hours at this time of the year. I like it, but it's difficult to go to sleep when it looks like daytime outside. Anna

Digital paintings, Nature miracles, Trosa is the place, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri, What ever

Soul mates?

Recently there was a f-ing noice up on a neighbor roof. And guess what, yea it really was a f-ing noice 😉 Seagulls would be arrested if they were people, I tell you that much. Luckily they're not, but they act like they own the town right now. And they will for quite some time.… Continue reading Soul mates?