Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Reading stats the wrong way

   Are you a stats freak or do you not care for such things at all? I'm a bit of both and my interest for stat figures has changed during my blogging time here on wp. At first I was thrilled over the activity in the stats. Some days peaked and others there were almost… Continue reading Reading stats the wrong way

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Speak Swedish part 5

Just one word one this time. And a bit difficult maybe. I've just noticed when I wroted a comment where I should say I saw something bla bla bla. I had to check the meaning of the word saw, like in see, saw and so on. I remembered back in my head that saw also… Continue reading Speak Swedish part 5

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Speak Swedish part 4

I say it again. Speaking Swedish doesn't have to be that difficult. Look at this: Swedish - English Nobel - Nobel Professor - Professor Slang - Slang Blind - Blind Museum - Museum That wasn't so difficult ha? Anna 🙂   

oil paintings

I hear you

What do you think this fly on the wall hear? In Swedish we have the expression "en fluga på väggen" a fly on the wall, who can hear everything in a room. Maybe that's the same in english? We say: I wish I could be a fly on the wall so I can hear what… Continue reading I hear you

Blogging, Digital paintings

Reach out and jump in

Are you aware of that your language settings on your dashboard makes different in how many people you reach with your blog? This is mainly for you, who don't choose english as language in the settings. If you choose your own language, me for an example, choosed Swedish when I started my blog. A stupid… Continue reading Reach out and jump in