Nature miracles, Photographs

Between Fall and Winter

We're not the only ones being surprised by the winter. At least we can stay indoors and stay warm. That's not the case for marigolds. Anna

Nature miracles, Photographs, What ever


I refuse to give that white stuff coming down from the sky any attention. I will not show you a picture of my town, today temporarily dressed in white. I want Spring to continue freely without that white cold stuff interfering. I want this different colored creatures to show up and give us life, hope,… Continue reading Diversity

BlackandWhite family, drawings, What ever

Can you draw music?

Is it possible to do a drawing of music? I try now and then. This is from last year after a friend told me a music story. Anna   DJ no. 1?  

BlackandWhite family, drawings


BlackandWhite family, drawings, Nature miracles, What ever

Astronaut scorpion

Please tell my a good story about this, if you want to 🙂 Anna